So I finally make it up to Madison, WI, the center of CU world and otherwise known as "Mad City." The very first thing on my list of to-dos over the next 2 days is walk on the frozen lake. In Oklahoma, lakes dry up in the summer, they don't freeze in the winter. But being the dare devil that I am and seeing all the crazy ice-fisher guys out in their little tents, I brave the cold and ice and find myself on the frozen lake, alone and cold.
I will say that the trip did get a bit warmer, I got to meet dozens of great credit union people. I had the pleasure of touring the Credit Union Center, CUES, and even a little of downtown. I have two thoughts that stuck out more than anything from my tours:
First: The Credit Union Movement changes lives. I used to think it just consumed them for people like myself, but it really does change lives. While touring the World Council, I was able to see what all we do for people who are truly impoverished. If you are not already supporting the World Council in some way, I challenge you to do so. The Credit Union Movement makes differences in the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. I hope one day 40 years from now I can look back and know that I was a part of something so huge.
Second: Credit unions can make a difference and they can change. What credit unions have done in the past is amazing, what we are doing the present is awesome. But if we want to do more then just exist in the future, but really expand to provide great and fair services to people all over. We need to not just talk about change, and admire change, but we must make change happen. The world is changing at a sprint, credit unions can't take baby steps and think that they will keep up. I challenge you to not just talk about change but embrace it and keep the Credit Union Movement moving forward.
I want to say thanks to Maureen for setting up such an action packed 2 days in Madison. I got to meet alot of great people that I look forward to working with in the future. I believe that we as a movement can make a difference in millions of lives that don't know what a credit union is yet. "People helping People" is what we were founded on, and it is what we will continue to do.
How do we make a difference, how do we make change happen? You guessed it, IMPLEMENTATION. That's where you come in...
Your site is filled with interesting ideas and thoughts on improving C. U. services. Have you investigated digital signage as a marketing medium? Cost effective, attention grabbing and easy-to-use, digital signs will inform and educate members as they wait in lobbies or drive-up lanes to be helped or for a transaction to be completed. Some financial institutions are already implementing this new marketing tool; with changing technology it's available (and affordable)for smaller Credit Unions. There is a lot of stats out on the effectiveness of digital signs in retail stores and gas stations; stats that show an impressive up-lift in sales and happier, more loyal customers. The main thought here is that while sales are important (meaning attracting new members) the name of the game is repeat sales-the more products a member purchases from their credit union the less likely that member will ever leave for another financial institution. Also, digital signs offer a way to cut marketing costs. Studies show they appeal to Gen X and Y. I won't bore you to tears with all the facts; I'll end with the suggestion to check out digital signage. You may be pleasantly surprised by what you find out.
Thanks Dennis. You are absolutely right in your assessment of digital signage. I can tell you at TFCU we embraced this idea about 3 years ago, installed 42in plasmas in every location. In many locations there are several. We have found that it is much more appealing then loads of signage in the lobby.
I will certainly forward your thoughts to the i3 teams. I am not sure if Filene has explored this area yet. But it is certainly something that would be beneficial to CUs.
As a member of Gen Y, I can tell you that I definitely prefer them in most if not all situation then past signage types.
@kent - ok, now it is all making sense. I met you on twitter earlier this week and now I see how you fit into the CU picture. Great work on the blog. I look forward to working with you.
Kent, thanks to you and Maureen for stopping by during your trip. Let me know how I can help!
Kent: Its always refreshing to find individuals who are aware of the marketing power of digital signage. Having done extensive research in this area, I would be happy to share info and data with the i3 teams.
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